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Nino Film Blog | October 23, 2024

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Free documentary: “The Camera That Changed The World”

Nino Leitner

Watch this highly interesting documentary, “The Camera That Changed The World”, about the invention of the hand-held camera, on Vimeo. This is something that we don’t even think about today, but cameras used to be huge and bulky, impossible to move by a single person, let alone carried on a shoulder.

French and American filmmakers and technicians were working on the first handheld cameras at the same time, 60 years after their respective countrymen Wright and Lumière invented motion pictures.

This is a must-see for any filmmaker interested in the history of filmmaking and its technology.



  1. Iago Recinos

    Großartige Doku!
    Es ist immer wieder erstaunlich, dass vieles, dass für uns normal und alltäglich ist, vor nicht allzu langer Zeit revolutionär war…

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