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Nino Film Blog | October 23, 2024

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IBC & Photokina 2014 talks for Zeiss & G-Technology

IBC & Photokina 2014 talks for Zeiss & G-Technology
Nino Leitner
  • On September 13, 2014

I am happy to announce that I am going to hold a number of free talks for Zeiss and G-Technology at IBC 2014 in Amsterdam and Photokina 2014 in Cologne, Germany. Nino_Leitner_Talks_IBC_Photokina_2014_Zeiss_GTechnology The first show is IBC 2014 in Amsterdam, taking place at the dates below. I will be hosting talks for G-Technology at their booth – the topic: tips for commercial filmmaking and on-set workflow for storing data for client shoots. logo_ibc2014 The talks at IBC will take place on September 13 & 14 at the G-Technology booth, Hall 7. Stand 7.G15 photokina_2014Zeiss invited me to become a Zeiss brand ambassador and I gladly agreed as I love their products and lenses and use them on shoots all the time. This means easier access for lenses for testing and reviewing as well as talks that I will host for them in the future.

I will talk for Zeiss at Photokina 2014 every day at two times about two different topics. The talks will all be held in German language!

September 16-21 (daily!):

at 12:15:
Telling Stories – ZEISS Optiken im rauhen Praxisalltag eines Kameramanns
Shoot Movie Park Stage (Hall 4.1)

at 15:30:
It moves! – Expertentipps fürs Bewegbild für Fotografen, die mehr wollen als „nur“ Standbilder erzeugen.
Shoot Movie Park Stage (Hall 4.1)

Be sure to stop by! I will show a lot of my work and talk about how to use the lenses ideally in everyday work life in different circumstances – documentary, news, corporate film, commercials, narrative filmmaking …


  1. useful content

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