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Nino Film Blog | February 19, 2025

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Alexander Schönauer

CollabFeature “The Owner” world premiere on May 25th

May 15, 2012 | 1
A very long process is coming to an end: The collaborative short film project "The Owner", which I directed an episode for in my hometown Innsbru…more...

Goethe-Institut – “Meet the Germans” Trailer

February 21, 2011 | 4
I produced, directed and edited this little trailer for the Goethe-Institut London's "Meet the Germans" website last year. DP was my dear friend Alexa…more...

CollabFeature – “The Lost Backpack” – an international feature film project

August 13, 2010 | 10
UPDATE September 27th, 2010: The first teaser trailer is out! Check it out: Please also "LIKE" the project on Facebook to help us spread the word!…more...

Ethanol – Fuel the Change

February 15, 2010 |
Spec commercial done for the Ethanol brand as part of a competition in 2008. If you wonder about the voice-over: that's me trying to sound VERY Am…more...

Urban Ego – Mrs. Brainshaker (music video)

February 15, 2010 |
I shot this when I was still studying at film school, back in 2003. It was shot on the tiny Canon XM2 MiniDV camcorder and it was the first projec…more...

Mind the Bag

February 15, 2010 |
This short was shot in 2003 when I was still studying. I mainly still like it because of the intro that I edited from stills. Plot: A mysterious, …more...