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Nino Film Blog | July 27, 2024

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Caritas Haussammlung – Cinema and TV commercial

Caritas Haussammlung – Cinema and TV commercial
Nino Leitner

Shot on my Sony EX3, I was DP and director on this. Written & produced by Thomas Pichler. Special effects by Stefan Fleig, who is one of my partners at LOA Design Studio.

This commercial is shown in Austrian cinemas (on 35mm copies as well as digital) and local TV in March of every year, when the house collection of the charity Caritas is taking place.

We donated the entire work on this commercial, nobody earned money with this – except Caritas: their donations went up significantly as a consequence, so we were told by their marketing department. It’s great to hear that your work is appreciated and does what it is supposed to do, especially when it’s for such a good cause and can help some poor souls!

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