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Nino Film Blog | October 23, 2024

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Aus & Raus TV Commercial

Aus & Raus TV Commercial
Nino Leitner

English subtitled version just for many of you to understand the German voiceover 🙂

Quite often it’s the little projects that are the most fun. Like this one: A commercial I shot last week in my hometown Innsbruck for the retail chain “Aus & Raus“. They are selling remaining stock of all sorts of products on the cheap – clothing, tools, toys, really everything you can think of.

I was assigned to produce and create a 25 second TV commercial for them, on low budget because it’s for local TV and film theaters.

Part of the challenge was to include their mascot, a fox, in the commercial, without showing too much of it, because we didn’t have a costume that looked anything like the drawn mascot from their website.

That’s part of the reason why I came up with a “mystery story” that involves a Sherlock-Holmes-like character who is looking for the cunning fox, but ends finding the cheapest prices instead.

There is nothing more difficult than telling an interesting story in such a short amount of time, while still advertising a product. Regards to the client for having the trust in us that we could pull that off in a short amount of time.

Really big thanks to my good friend and main actor Arne Nostitz who luckily suggested himself to play this role. The choice couldn’t have been more fitting! Arne also helped me to enhance the script considerably.

Another huge shout out to Robert Mayr, one of the most talented gaffers I have the honor to work with. He was also gaffer on the Gaber cookie industrial corporate film which you can see here. If you ever need a great lighting crew or gaffer in Western Austria or Southern Germany, he is the man to go to.

During this shoot, we used the CamDolly prototype I blogged about last week, and it performed very well. It was used for the two shots down the aisles, especially visible during the long one in the beginning. The other moving shots were done with the superb KesslerCrane Cineslider – truly the best manual slider I have used so far.

Thanks also to Marinas and Tirol TV for their support.

The entire commercial was shot on a Canon 550D/T2i, with the Canon L 24-70 f/2.8 & Tokina 11-16 f/2.8 lenses.

Here is the original version without English subtitles:

Client: Aus & Raus Warenhandels GmbH
Production: Nino Film
Written by Nino Leitner & Arne Nostitz
Director / Cinematographer / Editor: Nino Leitner
Gaffer: Robert Mayr
Assistant Gaffer: Felix Federer
Talent: Arne Nostitz, Felix Federer
Voice Recording: MacJingle, Vienna
Voice Talent: Gernot


  1. Great post, Nino! I’m glad you talked about the moving shots, because I was very impressed by them. You did a great job with this video, and I can tell it was a fun one to produce.

    • Thanks Chris, glad you liked it! Yes, it was really great fun, although it took an entire night!

  2. Such is the life of a filmmaker, right? Lots of late nights. But it’s so much fun!

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