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Nino Film Blog | July 27, 2024

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NAB 2013 schedule

NAB 2013 schedule
Nino Leitner

NAB 2013 is just around the corner, and it’s every filmmaking technology geek’s most important annual event. Apart from all the amazing new gear that’s going to be presented there, it’s first and foremost the place to meet a lot of my friends, clients and acquaintances from the filmmaking world. There is NO better place to network than at NAB.

This year, I will be roaming the show floors for many reasons. One of the main ones being the fact that I am now one of the guys running the all-new (together with my friends Sebastian Wöber and Johnnie Behiri). We are focusing on camera and gear reviews on the new site, but apart from meeting and consulting manufacturers, we will be reporting from the show floor. Keep an eye on during the entire NAB exhibition (April 8-11, 2013) for news videos on new products and developments.

Apart from that, I will be speaking at some events about some of my recent projects.


Here’s the schedule of the public events I will attend:

Monday, April 8th

  • 10:30 a.m. G-Tech Press Conference Room N231 – new product introduction
  • 04:00 p.m. G-Tech booth #SL12105 – I will talk about a recent 4K shoot & data wrangling on set (and also show the result)
  • 08:00 p.m. G-Tech Rockstar Launch Party – Hard Rock Hotel

Tuesday, April 9th

  • 07:00 p.m. Kessler Party – Mandalay Bay, 64th floor (invite only!)

Wednesday, April 10th

  • 05:00 p.m. Kessler/Zacuto booth – I talk about my work on the documentary “A Mosaic of Life” where I operated for DP Rodney Charters – about run-and-gun shooting of a difficult documentary subject about a holocaust survivor who comes back to Germany for the first time after the war.

Thursday, April 11th

  • morning – exact time tba – Bloggers Breakfast at the Riviera Hotel (hosted by nextwavedv)

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