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Nino Film Blog | July 27, 2024

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Finderly – “Kitty business”

Finderly – “Kitty business”
Nino Leitner

As some of you might know, I currently share my office space here in Vienna with the web startup Finderly, an upcoming product recommendation platform. They bring together experts, knowledgable friends and retailers to help you find the perfect product without boring you with technical details. Their service is currently in German only but will expand into English speaking international territories soon.

Anyhow, these guys had the spontaneous idea for a little web clip that finally reveals the secret who REALLY makes all these great recommendations and spends all night finding the best products …

I shot parts of this and helped out with some gear (Dedolights) and my Canon C300 including a series of EF lenses. Much of the spot takes place at nighttime, so the C300 was an obvious choice. The video is in German, but features English subtitles.

Meow! Here’s our star’s fan page on Facebook 🙂

Directed & edited by: Stefan Fleig
Shot by: Nino Leitner



  1. Tamara Deu

    Send me your infos. Br Tamara Deu

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