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Nino Film Blog | July 27, 2024

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Short film “Bonanza” – a European HDSLR Masterclass production

Short film “Bonanza” – a European HDSLR Masterclass production

This short film was shot by some of the participants during the HDSLR Masterclass that I organized together with Sebastian Wiegärtner in Majorca, Spain (took place September 10th-12th). It was a great success and we will post further behind-the-scenes material as well as more insights into what we did and what people learned shortly.

For now, we’ll give you this short film that was entirely produced during this Masterclass as a practical work by our participants and with a little support from us. But I have to tell you, these guys know their stuff … Sebastian and I were just amazed at the quality the people delivered.

Genus Elite Mattebox
Kessler Pocket Dolly Traveller 2.0
Denz Mini Follow Focus
Denz Support System with Carbon Rods
Sachtler Tripod

Directed by:
Alex Pitstra

Joel Conder
Tadeusz Kieniewicz
Eva-Maria Kornfeld
Javier Mora

Story by:
Joel Conder
Alex Pitstra
Tadeusz Kieniewicz

Director of Photography:
Tadeusz Kieniewicz

Nino Leitner
Sebastian Wiegärtner

Set assistance:
Bruno Jubin, Joachim Beirens, Marc Buholzer, Alexander Boboschweski, Angus Pigott


  1. yep indeed ist a great short … especially with the timeframe you guys had … nice shots, nice lil plot … the crew did a great job … i like it!

    • Yes, it’s great what they did in this short amount of time, we really only guided them! They came up with everything themselves, all the people at the Masterclass were really talented and I think it was a great mix of people that had great creative potential.

      • well i almost have to say it’s a better result as the vincent laforet creative live class “delivered” … but that is just a matter of taste … a feeling, so to say 😉 … anyway congrats guys!

  2. Brilliant, i loved it. Wish i was there :_)

  3. Hey Nino. Liked the little short film a lot that ur class shot. Beautiful shots. You guys got some nice equipment. 🙂

    • Thanks Gregor! Hope to meet you again soon at a DSLR workshop near you 😉

  4. Joel Conder

    nice to see the good feedback. it was great fun making this short. my first ( and last) time in front of the camera. everyone did such a great job and we literally had scripted, shot and edited it within 24hrs. really enjoyed the masterclass. Nino and Sebastian where great instructors. learnt loads… and looking forward to seeing them in marbella soon 🙂

    • Thanks for your comment Joel!! We’re glad you enjoyed it. The success motivated to do this again and probably more often. We’ll definitely think about going to Marbella next year if you think there’s enough interest in mainland Spain!

      Hope you change your mind about being in front of the camera again, because I really think you got a good face for the big screen! Stay in touch, Nino

  5. Really really nicely shot. Amazing photography.

  6. They did a great job. Kudos!

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